“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
— Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political and spiritual leader

Welcome to Special Needs Learning
Founded by John Szepietowski

The number of children in England's schools with SEN (Special Educational Needs) claims has dropped to a five-year low. However, the number and proportion of children with learning disabilities who do not have a statement of SEN has increased.

While the proportion of children with SEN statements placed in special schools has increased by one percentage point, the proportion of children with SEN statements placed in mainstream schools has remained around 60%.
Boys are almost twice as likely as girls to have SEN without a comment in primary and secondary schools. One out of every five boys is affected, compared to one out of every nine girls.

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‘A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a significant and long-term adverse impact on his or her ability to carry out regular day-to-day activities,’ according to the Disability Discrimination Act. Sensory impairments and cognitive disabilities are examples of physical or mental impairments. Medical conditions are often included in the classification if they have a long-term and significant impact on students’ daily lives.

About Special Needs Learning

Please contact us with your questions and concerns, and we will try to answer within 48 hours. Special Needs Learning hires a variety of volunteer professionals to provide support to parents seeking advice and assistance.

We’d like to express our gratitude to our sponsor, Mr. John Szepietowski, for his generous contributions and ongoing support, which enable us to provide our service through the Special Needs Learning website.




Contact John

Please see the description below for the various ways to contact Special Needs Learning found John Szepietowski; the quickest and easiest method is to fill out the form below with all of your information; please do so to ensure that your message reaches John.

While it will take John some time to investigate many of the comments that have been submitted to him, we make certain that he sees all of the feedback that has been submitted. As you can imagine, John spends a large chunk of his free time to the causes he helps and to advocating for those who are less fortunate.

John Szepietowski is a solicitor by practice and has been for more than 40 years. He is also a property investor, an active and avid supporter of many other different and wide-ranging charities, and a very active charity activist. Though John lives in Surrey, England, Special Needs Learning business headquarter are based in London.

John is a strong belief in pledging to or otherwise supporting worthy nonprofit organizations, with a particular affinity for assisting children with special needs. Since 1985, we estimate that John has raised or contributed over £3.5 million for various worthwhile causes, aiding in the advancement of cancer research and providing support to cancer patients. or

You can also contact John by interacting with him on social media. Simply search for John Szepietowski on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other social media sites to find him.

We have recently added a link to John Szepietowski’s personal twitter account into the sites navigation, this is the official twitter feed for John Szepietowski.


Special Needs Learning
Cobham House
1 High Street
KT11 9EE


0193 2809 169